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Magestic appearance, highly modern and brilliant type, outstanding movements, perfect self-carriage: Bonds well overtopped the high-quality Oldenburg licensing year in Vechta and was frenetically celebrated as victory-stallion.
His father Benicio advanced under Anna Sophie Fiebelkorn to the National Champion of dressage horses in 2011: He obtained the mark 10.0 for walk and trot, 9.5 for overall expression and 9.0 for his canter. He completed his 30-days-test in Schlieckau ten times scoring the maximum score of 10.0. The final mark with emphasis on dressage was 9.88 and herewith he even ranked ahead of his father Belissimo M NRW's record valuation. Meanwhile he was able to celebrate victories up to Inter II level. In 2015 three of his sons were licensed, including a premium stallion.
The grandfather Sir Donnerhall I is said to be the "trademark sire" of modern dressage horse breed.
The granddame state premium mare Rhea Silva belonged to the brilliant ring in 2003. Her son named Fuer immer du is currently successful in medium level (M**) dressage competitions.
His great-grandfather is the legendary Rubinstein.
Penhaligon Stud
Norbury, Bishops Castle, Shropshire England
Telephone Theresa +44 7779 312148
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